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Native bush turkeys and domestic chickens - our experience!

Last year in early summer, I thought one of my baby chooks had escaped and was hiding in the bushes in the backyard. I chased after her for a while before I realised that it wasn't one of my chooks but a bush turkey chick! It was the same size as one of my Aracana babies just a lot darker. It was kinda cute and we felt a bit special that the chick was in our backyard.

By December it had grown a lot and we decided that it was probably a boy and christened him Christmas Turkey - or Chris for short! Once we became convinced it was a boy we started looking on the internet to see if it was indeed still cool and fun to have a giant male bush turkey in your backyard along with chickens...

All the articles that I found said that they were trouble. Big gangs of bush turkey boys visit backyards with procreation on their minds and look to the domestic hen to satisfy those needs. For most people the mating part isn't an issue as the eggs even if they are fertile aren't being incubated to hatch but eaten; the issue was more around the damage the males did to the females during the mating sessions not the production of  potential Churkeys or Tuckens.

We had a chat to Chris and told him to be careful and all would be well if he left the girls alone. Otherwise we would have to call in the professionals.

As Chris got bigger, he got bolder and we would often find him in the pens and hanging around the edges of the flock. He would come when I called the girls for a treat and hang around hoping for a handout - this turned out to be a blessing in disguise. One afternoon when I needed to worm the girls, Chris gobbled up a piece of worming solution laden bread along with the chooks. He didn't seem to suffer any ill effects from it and hopefully wont be passing on worms to the girls on his travels around the yard and in their pens.

Because he was a chick when he appeared, we found the older girls had no problems telling him where to go and he seemed to accept that he was on or near the bottom of the pecking order - at least that's what it looked like to us. The girls would chase him away from food and when he was in a "hoping to get lucky" mood and approached one of the girls, making his special gurking noise, they saw him off in no uncertain terms.

There's been a few toe to toes with one of the baby chickens that we think may be a rooster which have been amusing and have ended with nothing more than both boys(?) backing down and shaking a few feathers as they retire to different parts of the yard.

Chris seems to escape up into the big trees in the yard and I suspect he sleeps up there too. He is now bigger looking than even our Brahmas and Sussex chooks, both which can get quite big. I suspect he weighs more too. Its only March but he must be about 6 months old and is definitely looking for a wife. He has taken to harassing the black Aracana as she looks the most like a Bush Turkey. Midnight (the chook in favour) has taken to putting herself into the coop and, as confident as Chris is, he wont go into the sleeping part of the pen. He stands outside gurking sexily at Midnight who just ignores him and settles in for a long preening session until I chase him away.

Rain (our grey Aracana) is as flighty as her breed comes and every time Chris looks at her, she flibbertigibbits and carries on like a pork chop! These days I call her and she runs to the house with Chris in hot pursuit and hides under the picnic table on the patio. Chris isn't game to come too close and hangs around gurking at her hopefully. Although we have trained the dog not to chase him, Chris is still wary about getting close to the dog. The chooks will jump over the dog when she is sleeping and try and steal her bone so she is approachable from a chook point of view but not from a turkeys one!

Just as we were wondering if Chris' interest in Rain and Midnight was getting too much, I saw a flash of  unidentified bird in the bushes again....

I don't know where it came from but it looks like we have another bush turkey chick in residence! So far this one has been called "Chick" until we work out weather its a girl or a boy....

Chick is as shy as Chris was in the beginning, which is reasonable if you happen to be small and tasty, but as time goes on we see more and more of her. She doesn't seem to have the bright colouring that Chris had at the same age and so we are hoping for a Christine to go with our Christopher so that he finds true love and lives happily ever after - and leaves poor Rain the Aracana alone!

Our experience of native bush turkeys in the backyard with our domestic chooks has been ok despite seeing nothing positive on line elsewhere. I think that has to do with Chris being a chick when he arrived rather than a fully grown wild male on his way through looking for a mate. The chooks put him in his place while he was young enough to take on the social conditioning and so far he is only getting fresh with the smaller two in the flock. And while that causes a ruckus, he hasn't done any damage to them as I read about happening to other peoples domestic chickens.

He is getting enough food from our yard and the neighbours yards and we haven't seen another turkey for years - so there doesn't seem to be any territorial issues (so far). There must be a breeding pair somewhere as we have had two chicks appear in the last 6 months but I have never seen them. We do live over the road from a very big nature reserve and even though I walk there regularly, I have never seen a bush turkey over there... So I'm at a loss to know where they are coming from.

So far so good but we do monitor the turkeys to make sure they are healthy (and not infecting our chooks), are wormed (for obvious reasons) and that Chris is not hurting the chooks when he is overwhelmed by passion for them.

I throw a small handful of grain for the turkeys in the mornings when I feed our girls to make sure they don't need to go into the pens to find the food. The less the turkeys are in the pens the better. I always chase Chris out if I find him in there but don't chase him if he eats from "his" spot. The reality is that they don't eat much grain anyway! They enjoy lettuce and other greens along with the main flock and will go for a  piece of bread but wont get into the melee when a piece is thrown into the middle of the yard!

Overall it has been an interesting experience and so far a positive one. Its been fun to watch Chris grow up and change and it will be interesting to see if we are right and that Chick is a girl. It might not be so fun when they have built some whopping great mound nest under the trees, but at this point, we will just wait and see what happens.

What's your experience with bush turkeys in the back yard?


Kerry said…
We have a large Turkey nest a young male made the nest and then was chased off by a much older male who we named Bruce ,who finished theNest and cares for it . He piles it high when it’s hot , then spreads it out and digs vent holes after heavy rain . He works from dawn till dust adding leaves . I noticed that the first turkey was very neat and tidy making tidy rows of raked leaves in long rows about five metres long and 30 cm high . By the end of the day the leaves were all on the nest . The older nest thief was rather messy and left random leaves everywhere.
Once the nest was ready I noticed different females at least 3 that I know of,laying eggs in the nest . By Christmas there seemed to be no more female activity yet the male Bruce is still tending the nest and we are now in early March . So far I have found a few dead fluffy caramel coloured chickens and I see the odd flash of a little one here and there running for cover . One chick is getting a few dark feathers on the rear and hangs around the nest and the water bowl .
Any cats that come in the yard in the day are soon chased off by Bruce but I think most of the cat kills are happening at night when Bruce is asleep in a tree somewhere . I have had a few problems with Bruce digging and removing a bit of dirt from my pot plants and garden as he looks for grubs and sometimes takes the dirt to add to his nest . It’s a small price to pay for the fantastic compost that will result what’s left of the nest once all the hatchlings are gone . We love having the nest under our nut tree and watching Bruce tend the nest . We also have a solitary chicken that turned up one day and we’ve now adopted . Bruce chases her away if she gets close to the nest but ignores her otherwise .. I throw a bit of grain and. Oats and scraps out every day and they all seem to be thriving .
Kate Magin said…
Love your blog. There certainly is plenty of negativity out there regarding chooks and turkeys. We have 4 hens and a female grown Turkey has moved in. She’s gorgeous. Seems to be lonely. Just wants to peck with the Hens when they’re out and has a dust bath with them. She ran at a fox to protect them recently. She is definitely below them in the pecking order, but she is part of our flock now and taught herself to use the grandpa feeder if the gates open. She sleeps in the trees but by morning, is laying at the pen door, waiting for me to let the hens out. I can handle the digging. My dogs are taught to leave birds alone. Not sure what I’ll do if a grown male comes calling 😳
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