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Killing cockroaches with boric acid v borax!

We live in Queensland. We have cockroaches. Lots of cockroaches! Why the NSW rugby team is called the Cockroaches is a mystery to me - surely ours are not only bigger but more plentiful??? At any rate, I don't like living with them (and I'm quite sure they  are not so fond of me at the moment!!) and I have been going through the usual gauntlet of sprays, solutions and bombs to get rid of them...

But I'm not so keen on the chemical aspect of all this spraying and bombing. I hate the smell and can almost feel disease and cancer growing in me every time I spray. I'm OK with the resident cockies getting a lungful of chemicals and then keeling over but I feel its impolite (and probably illegal) if my guests and family members do the same thing!!!

We went through a faze of killing them by hand (and flyswatter and rolled up newspaper and underfoot) but its hard and frustrating work and it probably was only culling the dumb and slow ones - leaving the smart fast ones to breed!!!

The Internet has a million suggestions on how to kill roaches -

Here's what I did...

First - we did the dishes EVERY night. And wiped the benches. And generally tried to keep our kitchen gleaming and clean. Cockies hate that! They love damp crumb laden kitchen benches and cupboards.

Then I got onto Amazon and bought some boric acid online and then went down to the supermarket and found 500gm Borax on the laundry shelves for $3.50. My research didn't give me a definitive answer as to wether they were the same thing or if they worked the same. So for a few extra dollars, I hedged my bets.

I have since spoken to a friend of mine who works with chemicals for a living and he said they both have Boron in them and that's whats going to kill my wee pests. Boric Acid seems to have a higher concentrate and is finer and so harder for the cockies to step around or even nibble around. He likened the Borax to finding gravel in your food - its easy to spit it out - and that's what the cockroaches will do when they find it in their dinner! However if they walk on Borax and it stick to them, they will "lick" it off.

Borax granules on the left and Boric Acid powder on the right.

I did a few things- again hedging my bets. I sprinkled the Borax in the corners of my cupboards, under the fridge, under the rubbish bin and into every crack and crevice I could find. I also put some under cabinets, under the bathroom sink and every hard to reach place I have chased a cockroach into over the last few years.

When the Boric Acid arrived in the mail. I cleaned up the Borax that was obvious and replaced it with the much finer Boric Acid. Cockroaches groom themselves (that's how they get that dark brown evil looking colour) and if they have fine particles of the Boric Acid on them, they will, just like a cat, lick it off, swallow it and die! Please don't leave this stuff ANYWHERE your children or animals can get to it. It is an ingestant and will make animals and people very sick if they get inside them. Cats are especially vunerable as they will lick any Borax or Boric Acid they get on them off and swallow it. It can kill them. It dries the coackroach out from what I can gather...

Next I made this bait. If the cockies are as smart as they seem to be and walk around my Borax and Boric Acid sprinkles, then I'm hoping to attract them with this mixture.

I put 1 tablespoon of sugar into a small container and mixed in 1 teaspoon of milk. Then I added 1 teaspoon of Boric Acid and mixed it all together.

This makes a paste that I then put onto bits of cut up takeaway container lid.

These I flicked under the fridge, filing cabinet, under some cupboards, behind the loo and anywhere I thought the children wouldn't see it or the cat wouldn't be able to get at it.

This isn't an instant cure. But of all the things I have tried, this has the least impact on my health, is cheap, and best of all seems to be working!!! Most mornings I am finding at least one dead cockie on the floor and this morning when I vacuumed, I unearthed another four that were underneath things I don't look under on a daily basis. I am starting to find them dead in the downstairs laundry and in the kids rooms where I haven't put any baits- just in case.

That tells me that they are getting into the baits and walking over the sprinkles and then running back to their hidey holes to  die. As these cockroaches have been poisoned, I don't give them to our chooks or throw them out into the garden. I don't want to kill any birds or whatever else feasts on dead cockroaches. I put them in the bin or the compost.

I'm pleased with the results but implore you to be very careful with both Borax and Boric Acid if you try it so that no one but them cockies gets hurt!! The instructions that came with the Boric Acid said to replace these baits every 3-4 weeks. I reckon I have seen more dead cockies in four weeks using these baits and the sprinkles than I have with commercial insect killers - Including the Bombs.

Apparently it will deal with ants as well... But that's another post!

June 2013 Update:
Its been a year or so since I wrote this post and it continues to be one of my more popular entries - obviously I'm not the only one with a cockroach problem wanting to resole it naturally!

After about 3 weeks of starting with the baits the cockroach population had dropped dramatically. I changed all the baits - just in case and kept changing them every month religiously for about 6 months and tracked the dates in my diary. And you know what? We simply don't have any cockroaches anymore! The only time I change the baits these days is when I actually see a cockroach which reminds me... But as I'm writing this, I am struggling to remember when that was....

The only real improvement I have made is to use milk bottle lids as sometimes the mixture is runny and runs off the cut up lid making it tricky to transport to the place I want to put it.

Update June 2014:
We have so few cockroaches now that we only remember to make new baits when we actually see a cockroach. I still have the original bag of boric acid as you only need a teaspoon full each time you make it up. I am amazed at how well this works for so little money!

We struggled with cockroaches for so long and now they are simply not an issue in our house! If you have a cockroach problem - try this - it worked for us!

Good luck - let me know how you went! - K xx

Score card:
: 3/5 Its still chemicals that we are spreading around our house...
Frugal-ness: 5/5 Super cheap and this stuff lasts for a long time. I reckon I will get at least a year of cockroach killing out of my $8.50 (or maybe 3 or 4 at the rate I'm going through it! - June 2013)
Time cost: 5 minutes to make up the bait and distribute it and another 10 to sprinkle the Borax and Boric Acid in hard to reach places. Plus another 10 minute to vacuum up what might be walked on by the cat.
Skill level: Easy - just need to be careful you don't inhale or ingest this stuff.
Fun -ness: Not much fun killing things, but I have to admit to a bit of a thrill each time I see a dead cockroach these days...


Lois said…
Kara, I learned the same trick when I lived in Arizona it solved my problem quickly. When I moved into my current apartment I found cockroaches. Knowing my neighbors wouldn't care to have the paste sitting around but wanting to get rid of the roaches I mixed a bit of sugar into the boric acid and handed out a container to each of my neighbors. Within two weeks we were roach free and have been for 3 years now.
Practical Frog said…
Its amazing stuff alright! I bet your neighbours are pleased too! I find that when I put sugar in, I get ants so I leave it out to kill cockroaches! - K x
Anonymous said…
Amazing tips! Thank you for sharing them. I've been trying to get cockroaches off of my back for some time now. I recently moved to a new place and they just keep on coming even though I keep spraying on them. I'm going to try that out and let you know the results. Hopefully, that can finally solve my issue with roaches.

Ebony Patterson
Practical Frog said…
It should do Ebony! It worked well for us and we had a plague of them! Let me know how you go! - K x
Unknown said…
Well, that is aces. Glad that you've stomped on that particular problem, and with frugal and fairly earth-friendly means. You shouldn't be afraid of all chemicals, though, since those can be regurgitated by nature in all the cleanest, most organic ways. What matters is that you eliminate the poison, and minimize the stuff that may be deleterious, and modulate it to such a point that it terminates what deserves to be done so. Thanks for sharing that!

Debra Owen @ Invader
Unknown said…
That is a very smart way of getting around those strains. Pest control is sometimes the case of the cure, being a bit more problematic than the problem. However, I think it has to do more with its quality. Thanks for sharing that hack! All the best to you!

Alta Peng @ Liberty Pest Inc.
Reese said…
I moved into a virtual pest motel apartment, I'll be trying this now and letting you know how it works for me
Unknown said…
Why not just use Advion Roach Bait gel it is what professionals use. You only apply it one time every six months. Roaches love the stuff but it takes a week for it to kill pretty much all of them, don't contaminate the areas around the bait that you put down with other roach sprays. Just give the bait gel time and it will get carried back to all of the nest with the tiny baby roaches and it will kill them to, The whole Roach family will die. You can buy Advion roach gel on ebay and it will be delivered to you. hope this helps somebody.
Excellent post, Cara. The reason for the views is not only that a lot of people have a cockroach problem - yours really sticks out from the countless materials on the web. I love your style and your creativity (the part with the bait - great thinking!).
Good for you and your household, that the boric acid worked. I can't recommend this to most of my clients, though, because they are mostly family people with children and pets. The risk of getting a cat to inhale or insert some powder is just too high!
Nonetheless, I would always prefer this method of pest control than any of the over-the-counter pest sprays sold nowadays. They are ineffective and just so dangerous!
Keep up the good and creative work, Cara.
Anonymous said…
Thank you very much for the info! Very helpful to a university student, I'm gonna try these things tonight! Greeting from Greece :)
miss_mentor said…
Thank you s much for this healthier option. I had but all given up on what t d. Foggers didn't work, roach sprays, only the very dangerous DDT, which may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 64 percent, according to a new analysis of 21 studies by researchers in Greece and England. Another investigation reported that women who had elevated blood levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) during the first trimester of pregnancy were more than four times more likely than normal to develop gestational diabetes. After reviewing the studies, which included data on nearly 67,000 people, the researchers concluded that the increased risks seen were associated with the organic pollutants DDT, dieldrin, heptachlor, and HCB. Most of the studies included in the review identified pesticide exposure via urine and blood analyses, methods that are considered very accurate.
Charles Clayton said…
It's a great post to help people know how to do cockroach pest control at their own. The step by step explanation with pictures will be very much helpful and help us in executing the process of cockroach extermination in the right manner. Also, this DIY technique of using borax and boric acid will surely make us save money that we might be spending as cockroach extermination cost.
Unknown said…
Tnx I'll try the gel. I've got a huge problem now with these pests
Unknown said…
Aloha from Honolulu,

Important question: does your method harm frogs and geckos?

We loathe cockroaches, but love our geckos and frogs.


Anonymous said…
Good to hear about your followup experience with boric acid bait. Theres alot of guides on how to make baits but they don't show the real results or whether the bait works if at all.

Plugging up all the cracks/crevices around the sink, plumbing goes a long way towards keeping the insect population down.
Unknown said…
Can't wait to try this. I seem to get these nasty creatures everytime a neighbor moves out and it's always a fight to get them to leave so I can't wait to try it and hopefully eliminate the issue for good or as long as I continue to lay it down.
Unknown said…
Can't wait to try this. I seem to get these nasty creatures everytime a neighbor moves out and it's always a fight to get them to leave so I can't wait to try it and hopefully eliminate the issue for good or as long as I continue to lay it down.
Richard said…
Due to horse feed in my barn, I would periodically find families of cockroaches. No insecticide would get rid of them until I sprinkled a little boric acid. Two days later, no more roaches. I sprinkle a little periodically for prevention.
Richard said…
Due to horse feed in my barn, I would periodically find families of cockroaches. No insecticide would get rid of them until I sprinkled a little boric acid. Two days later, no more roaches. I sprinkle a little periodically for prevention.
Anonymous said…
Never saw a roach in this house when we moved in (in year 2000) About two years ago, opened the back door and the patio was literally covered in baby roaches (thousands of them??) They started of outside and are now moving into the house. I have used the Raid roach baits and they have worked somewhat in the house, but the back yard is still plagued with them. I feed three feral cats with dry food, which they eat during the night and then the birds finish off the rest during the day. I believe these are "sand roaches" which means they have no fear of humans and will crawl right on you, even in bed. I don't want to poison my cats so I have to be careful where I put any baits. I put the raid baits along the back wall of the house, out of the rain, which helped but there are still enough left to have "waves" of infestation. I also have to spray for black widow spiders. I have read that they hate peppermint, so I am going to spray the inside with peppermint castille soap.
Anonymous said…
Does this work on bed bugs? Please tell me, I should probably call bed bug exterminator but before that I would like to try something by myself.

Unknown said…
A Nuclear War and Life of Cockroaches

Yuck. Cockroaches are dirty, endless hunter which can be unaffected by using radiation. In a post-apocalypti international, it is going to be those grimy little critters that survive. We’d be better off without them.
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for this post. I recently purchased a house, when I went to view this house I seen the cockroaches but I didn't realize how hard it was going to be too get rid of them, so I purchased the house, hired an exterminator, he came out 3 times to spray(couldn't move in because they were so bad) finally I had no choice but to move in because my lease was up on my rental home. I seen them ask the time 50-60 a day until I started googling and this came up, it has worked wonders for me and I'm still seeing an occasional roach but hopefully they will all disappear, it's been four months since I moved in and the roaches are almost history...
Trevor Tutt said…
Thank you for this very useful post! I'm on the lookout for effective cockroach treatment to prevent infestation at home. Though I've also asked some advice from pest control professionals
Practical Frog said…
I'm cant see why it wouldn't work on bed bugs - try it and let us know what happens. You could also try Diatomaceous earth. That works well on tiny mites that live on chickens... In both cases, I think I'd put the mattress outside in the sun as that will kill off a few bugs itself, apply the powder/s and vacuum them very thoroughly before I bought them back inside as both treatments would probably irritate your skin when you sleep in the bed...
Let me know what you did! - Kara x
Nina Holm said…
That is a very smart way of getting around those strains. Pest control is sometimes the case of the cure, being a bit more problematic than the problem. However, I think it has to do more with its quality. Thanks for sharing that hack! All the best to you!
Pest Control in Dallas
Anonymous said…
for the bed bug question, use food grade diatomaceous earth. That way it is not poisonous to pets or children. I bought some in a feed store. make sure you put down a very thin layer. The one caution is be careful not to breath the dust when applying, wear a mask. If the layer is too thick they will not walk through it. Ironically roaches eat bed bugs.
Unknown said…
The allergens left behind by cockroaches are often very irritating to humans and have been known to cause sickness, allergies, diarrhea, and even child asthma. A cockroach can survive for more than a month without food or water and over 45 minutes without air.
Pest Control in Kansas City
Ashish Shivare said…
Yes, Martha it is really very irritating to humans. Last month I was really irritated from cockroach some pics I have uploaded.
M_square said…
So, I mixed the Borax with sugar and some milk. After a night the mixture became rock solid on the baits. Do you think it is working or is the bait supposed to stay liquidy ?
John Grehhem said…
I have tried roach motels, different types of bug sprays, etc. but nothing seems to work. I read that boric acid powder is the best thing going. Anyone know if it is available in Seoul?
I read your blog and feel that your blog is worth for us. Thank you for sharing such an informative post with us.
Practical Frog said…
I think the bait will work as a liquid or a solid as the cockroaches are after the sugar\milk in the mixture and, as we all know, the can chew their way through cardboard so I don't think the hardened mixture will slow them down... Until they ingest it that is!!
Every home faces the same problem. The pest problem is one of the most irritating problems of the world. After using all the household remedy as well I am unable to manage the mess. Pest Control Brisbane helped me a lot in controlling the pests like bed bugs, mice, ants, cockroaches, etc. Just do not think more, hiring a professional pest control service can resolve the problem from the root.
Unknown said…
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Roman said…
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Kelly Smith said…
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Peter San said…
Hi, I'm Peter. Spiders and other pest give me nightmares and they were all around my house. So, I immediately contacted Commercial pest control Brisbane, the best pest control service in the town, their expert team took out the pest without any difficulty. They are specialized in spiders (daddy long-legs), ants and moths control. They are best in their field.
Shasha said…
You will find numerous pest control services in Brisbane but not every one of them is effective enough to help you get rid of pests. However, Eagle Pest Control Brisbane is different. They know how to deal with different kinds of pest in the best possible way. I have had a wonderful experience with them when they performed over and above my expectations. Thank you Commercial pest control Brisbane providing us a reliable pest control service.
Nikki said…
A huge thanks to Commercial pest control Brisbane, we could finally say bye to cockroaches from our home. We were so frustrated with cockroaches roaming all around our place. But thanks to Emu Pest Control Brisbane who did a fine job of eliminating all signs of cockroaches from our house and that too in such a short time span. Keep up the good work.
Mandy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mandy said…
A huge thanks to Female Choice Pest Control Brisbane, we could finally say bye to cockroaches from our home. We were so frustrated with cockroaches roaming all around our place. But thanks to Emu Pest Control Brisbane who did a fine job of eliminating all signs of cockroaches from our house and that too in such a short time span. Keep up the good work.
Unknown said…
The pest problem is one of the most irritating problems on the earth. Before booking Green Clean Pest Control I was seriously suffering from the pest nuisance in my office as well as home. In spite of using all the household remedy as well I am unable to manage the mess. Thanks to my friend John who suggested me about Cockroach Exterminator Brisbane to get rid of pest from my premises. At the end, hiring a pest control service resolved my problem from the root. Now I am happy.
Sleo Smith said…
I would just like to say that the service I received in removing my Bee trouble was dealt with professionally and efficiently by Impressive Pest Control's Brisbane team member onsite. Communications and planning with your offices were dealt with promptly. I would be happy to recommend By Cockroach Exterminator Brisbane to others in a similar condition to us.
Sophia Thomas said…
Cockroach Exterminator Brisbane is providing very speedy, courteous and well-organized service. Required an urgent pest problem looked expert was sent around the next day to assist. He patiently answered all my questions and put me at ease with his explanation. I and my wife are very pleased with the service. Thank you!
Amila Wilson said…
It is very difficult to eliminate the pest issue from your home permanently. The pests like bed bugs, mice, ants and cockroaches damage the quality of crops and its food value. So, it is the high time now to take the assistance of by pest to resolve the problem from the root. They have trained professionals with advanced technique to deal with the problem. I would love to recommend Pest exterminator Brisbane to all my friends.
Johan Marks said…
I feel Cockroach pest control Brisbane is the best pest control company for my requirement. Some days back I was seriously suffering from the pest nuisance in my office as well as home. It was unbearable for me. I hired ace pest control. They have a team of trained professionals with advanced technique to deal with the problem and eliminate the issue from the root. Thank you Oops Pest Control Brisbane for your great help.
King said…
If you are suffering from Pest problem then hiring a professional pest control service can resolve the problem from the root. Cockroach Pest Control Brisbane gave me a great relief. They have a team of trained professionals with advanced technique to deal with the problem. the skilled staff have adequate knowledge and have effective equipment to manage the pest.
Unknown said…
I feel Cockroach pest control Brisbane is the best pest control company for my home pest issues. Panther Pest Control are good in controlling the pests like bed bugs, mice, ants, cockroaches, etc. I really like their way of removing the pest. Thank god I finally get the ultimate solution. I would like to recommend Panther Pest Control to all my friends. They have a good team of skilled staff having adequate knowledge to manage the pest.
Emily said…
Do not try to deal with a pest problem by applying several household technique. Call for a professional help if you are suffering from the pest issue for your home, office or restaurant. I would like to recommend Cockroach pest control Brisbane to all of you. I booked them last month for cockroach menace for my kitchen. They worked well. I am very satisfied with their service. They are cost effective also.
abril said…
Cockroach Pest Control Brisbane have the best pest control tool to control the pest menace caused by bed bugs, ants, mice, flies and cockroaches. I recently tried them. They impressed me with their great service. I would like to recommend them to all of you. They are available on Sundays and holidays also. I find them not very expensive. Pest End Pest Control Brisbane remove your issue from the root. Do not hesitate to try them once.
Paige Oscar said…
It is not a very good idea to attempt to remove a pest infestation by yourself. If you are suffering from a pest issue for your office, home, school or any other institution, take the help of be pest free immediately. you just need to call then and rest the will take care of. Hiring a pest control service like Commercial Pest Control Brisbane can resolve the problem from the root by making you pest free.
Unknown said…
Cockroach Pest Control Melbourne is one of the best companies in Melbourne offering the best pest control services. I hired them for the removal of cockroaches from the house. I loved definitely loved the results. Those ugly creatures have found their way out of the house. They did the best job at the affordable prices.
Anonymous said…
I’m wondering how this wonderful solution posted by a nice person became like a commercial for the “Pest control of Brisbane “
That’s NOT helpful to me. I’m in the USA.
So, thank you for posting. I will be trying your homemade solution!
Karen said…
Hi there,
I'm just wondering if your boric acid solution hardened or not. We also used borax and it hardened. I honestly don't think they are touching it. I would prefer if it was liquid. Maybe borax hardens and boric acid doesn't??
Thanks! Karen
alwaller said…
Last Stop Pest Control is a full-service residential, commercial, and industrial 24hours Bronx pest control company. Our years of experience with Bed Bug inspection & removal, spiders, ants, roaches, silverfish, crickets and all other forms of structural pests are what differentiates us from other companies in the industry.
Unknown said…
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Jhon Williams said…
VIP Pest Management Pest Control Melbourne is a popular name in the industry with an excellent team of pest controllers. The services offer for pest control are highly top-notch, as we have gained the experience in getting all kind of pests rid of your home or workplace. Whether it is the crawling pest or flying pest to rodent we know how they can be removed. Pest Control Melbourne have the experience for more than 15 years in the industry thus we are able to remove all kinds of pest with the effective results. The services we offer pest control and removal include Cockroaches Control, Ants Contro. So, hire us today and for the best pest inspection and pest extermination services. Call us on 0414 530 372 for same day pest control.
Emily said…

Whether you’re a homeowner or you’re running a business, pest control should be an important part of general maintenance. At Female Choice Pest Control Brisbane , We provide services including Cockroaches Control, Ants Control etc. all these services in good and reasonable price. We have required experience in our field. You can hire us for the best-discounted deals. If you have moved quickly enough, you should be able to eradicate this pest without any lasting effects. Our professionals always try to complete satisfaction to our customers. So call us 1800 033 756 today.
Dashplus said…
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Dashplus said…
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Unknown said…
We handle all Residential and Commercial projects with environmentally, eco-friendly and pet friendly control solutions. Contact SafePestControl today!
Dashplus said…
Such a great post, with great information.I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. This is such great information for pest Scene Investigations, Ant removal removal, Rat control and removal,Mouse control & removal.

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Aaron said…
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Emily said…
Searching for Pest Control Brisbane ? Choose the most desired company in Brisbane-Fast Pest Control!! We give our pleasing customers the best services of pest control at the cheapest prices. We are appreciated for our professional pest removal treatments and dedicated staff. We provide Rodent Control, Cockroach Control Control and many more pest control services. We have been giving high-grade pest control services for twenty years at a price which our customers can easily afford. We are approved and give assured results with reliable pest control service. You can hire us by just calling us on +61 414 354 432.
Sleo Smith said…
We understand how irritating is it to share your house with pests. besides expanding disease, and building an unclean atmosphere, these harmful insects can destroy your property to a large amount. The experts at Mark’s
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Unknown said…
Hi Kara, great and informative, thank you. I was trying to find out if Borax could be used instead of Boric Acid, as boric acid is hard to find a retailer for in Sydney. Your article was perfect and I benefited from your trying both acid and borax side by side. So cheers and thanks a lot!! BTW why don't you delete all those ridiculous linkbait comments from pest control companies trying to ride on your coattails in having a great article generate a lot of web traffic. Get rid of 'those' lazy cockroaches too!! ;)

As it's annoying going through them to find honest comments that contribute more good advice. Cheers Kara.
Gary Madison said…
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Unknown said…
SKPC is a leading pest service provider in Cockroach, Bed Bug, Mosquito, Wood Borer,  Termites, Bird nest protection and other general pest control service. We take pride in the fact that no one knows pests the way we do. SKPC network and expertise is unparalleled.
Anonymous said…
Boric acid is more fine a powder than borax, but here s a trick to work with borax, without using some coffee grinder as some has suggest on the net: i used a steel file and a cement brick. Especially adhering to the file was a dust as fine as icing sugar, likely to be more efficient on roaches.
Very simple trick that can be useful.
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Great article! I really appreciate the comparison between using boric acid and borax for cockroach control. The clear explanations and practical tips make it easy to choose the best method. Thanks for sharing this valuable information
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Finding a reliable Pest Control Company in Dubai is important for a pest-free home. Professional services help remove cockroaches, termites, and rodents safely. Eco-friendly solutions are best. Thanks for sharing useful information and looking forward to more posts.
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