I know how frustrating it can be to know that you saw a post on a blog but can remember what the post was called or when it was posted - hopefully this page will help. Over time I hope to name the posts under each category... bear with me as I complete that process.
In the mean time, check through the categories to find posts on this site about the subject you are looking for
Slitting a Tetragonula Hockingsii hive
Splitting a back yard hive of Trigona Hockingsii for the first time.
Splitting our native bee hive for the first time
Covering native bee's for the winter
Why aren't my bees going into the hive at night?
Transferring native bees into a new hive
Hive duplication or eduction - how its done
Splitting our FROTH design hive for the first time
Splitting and settling an educted native bee hive
Painting native bee hives black for the winter
Books I'm reading
Home made small batch mixed vegetable pickles
Book list on my blog
Sparkling rose petal drink
Making your own home made ginger beer
Cleaning your toilet the green way
Greening my skin cleansing routine
Down to Earth - a guide for simple living
Decluttering - the throw out 50 things challenge
Eco friendly party
Some easy to make 50th birthday invites
Easy to make lucky wedding horse shoe
Sparkling rose petal drink
Make your own reusable party pennants

Setting eggs under a broody hen - our experiance
Baby chicks - our first four weeks
Clucker Tucker; Pasture in the pen.
Bromeliads stop chickens from digging up the garden
Moulting chickens - before and after photos
Chook porridge
Grass catcher nesting boxes for my chickens
Treating scaly mite in chickens
Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
Making an isolation pen for a chicken
Easy fuss free way to worm your chickens
Why we bought heritage chickens
Keeping hay or straw dry in the great outdoors
Feeding eggshells to chickens
Home made chicken feeder
Glorious chicken day
Stopping chickens from scratching up your garden
Compost or chicken bucket tip
Introducing baby chickens to the rest of the flock
Changing things around in the chicken pen
What happens when a chicken moults?
How to feed fish can juice to chickens
Things to try when you chickens aren't laying
How to force feed a sick chicken
What happens when a chicken moults?
Safe waters for baby chicks and big chooks
How do I know if my chickens are eating their eggs?
Bush turkeys and Chickens - our experience
Safe waterers for baby chicks
Where to put a sick or injured chicken.
Tips for making your own Christmas crackers or Bon-bons
Quick easy Christmas tags
Covering party hats to match your colours or theme
Making my Christmas cards go further
Recovering Christmas Crackers to match your table
Make your own reusable party pennants
Making a Christmas wreath out of paper doilies

Home made cleaning product recipes
Putting Christmas decorations away
Beginning of the year freezer defrost clean and sort out
Need more room in the bathroom? Cover the bath
Citrus vinegar
Getting rid of ants in your home - naturally
Cleaning dusty bedside lamps
Greening my skin cleansing routine
Home made lemon and salt body scrub
Rosemary Hair rinse for no 'poo-ers
Cleaning tarnished brass candlesticks, naturally
Boric acid v Borax for killing cockroaches
Supporting local farmers with CSA/Food connect boxes of fruit and vegetables
Link to a e 2013 planning meditation
Busy week but lots of fun at the Ekka
Practical Charity - Kiva Loans
Lifeline Book Fest volunteering is fun!
Eco friendly party
Wow- A TEDx event near me!
Easy to make home made lip balm
More pillow case aprons
Tips for making your own Christmas crackers or Bon-bons
Quick easy Christmas tags
Covering party hats to match your colours or theme
Easy to make shabby chic tea party invitations
Cute easy pin cushion that took 1/2 an hour to make
Eco friendly party
Making my Christmas cards go further
Easy to make Fabric covers for Milk Crates
Another easy to make rag quilt in the making
Easy to make rag quilt
Cheap and reasonably quick pillow revamp
Some easy to make 50th birthday invites
Home made soap from Lamb fat
Star card/book for some one special
Star card update
Star card update finishing touches
Recovering Christmas Crackers to match your table
Make your own microwavable wheat bag with barley
Easy movie night invitations to make
Revamping/fixing a rice paper lantern or lampshade
Easy to make lucky wedding horse shoe
Recycled can - pencil pot for my desk
Cheap or free bases for card making
Make your own reusable party pennants
Recovering a lamp with fabric and fringing
Home made dog treat toy
Making a terrarium out of a Moccona jar
Dying a red dress purple
Making my own tea bags from coffee filters
Painting wooden spoons
Making coaster from a natural tree branch
Recovering a lamp with new material and fringing
Dropping off things to your second hand shop
Beginning of the year freezer defrost clean and sort out
Need more room in the bathroom? Cover the bath!
Decluttering - the throw out 50 things challenge
Quick, easy and cheap jewelery storage
Collection, preparation and eating of Bunya Nuts
Green Cleaning
Home made cleaning product recipes
No 'poo shampoo and conditioner
Using Eucalyptus oil to remove stickers and labels
Citrus vinegar
Cleaning dusty bedside lamps
Greening my skin cleansing routine
Making home made soap from Lamb fat
Home made lemon and salt body scrub
Rosemary Hair rinse for no 'poo-ers
Cleaning your toilet the green way
Home made cleaning product recipes
Making my dish scrubber go further
How to get rid of that brown mark in your jug
Boric acid v Borax for killing cockroaches

In the garden
Harvesting and processing coffee beans
Bromeliads stop chickens from digging up the garden
Clucker Tucker; Pasture in the pen.
Cooking pizza in the home BBQ
Covering native bee's for the winter
Supporting local farmers with CSA/ Food Connect fruit and vege boxes
Stopping chickens from scratching up your garden
Helping hanging pots retain water in hot weather
Splitting our native bee hive for the first time
Saving seedlings from the hot summer sun
How to eat a single beetroot
Chemical free harlequin beetle control
Water crystals in hanging baskets. Will it work?
Stopping possums from coming inside
Fixing my watering can with a bit of TLC
Growing mushrooms at home
Hanging tomato plants - revamping some hanging baskets
Compost or chicken bucket tip
Growing micro greens at home
Growing edible ginger plants in Brisbane
Growing asparagus in Brisbane for beginners
Growing asparagus in Brisbane - Winter update
Cooking Pizza's in the back yard BBQ
Extreme composting - what cant you compost?
Making a terrarium out of a Moccona jar
Simple wicking beds made from a barrel
In the kitchen
How to get rid of that brown mark in your jug
Temporary oil container from an egg shell
Beeswax material to replace cling wrap
Making a weeks worth lunches in 20 minutes
Cooking pizza in the home BBQ
Bunya nut collection and preparation
Measuring ingredients by weight the easy way
Easy to change jar labels for preserves
Quick easy labels for preserves
Last nights left overs lunch ideas
Reusable ice for iced water
Plastic potato bag apron
Make your own cheap, but good, dog food
Reusable ice for iced water
Beginning of the year freezer defrost clean and sort out
Quick cheap fun birthday cake idea
How to make a great cup of tea
Cooking Pizza's in the back yard BBQ
Harvesting and processing coffee beans
Roasting grinding and drinking your own coffee beans
Making homemade Ghee from butter
Making my own tea bags from coffee filters
Make your own flavoured tea at home

Lemon butter recipe
Home made small batch mixed vegetable pickles
What I did with excess eggs
Scotch eggs made with Quail eggs
Sparkling rose petal drink
Making your own home made ginger beer
How to eat a single beetroot
Make your own peanut butter at home
A small amount of rosella jam
Make your own chai flavoured tea
Easy to make plum sauce
How to smoke salmon at home
How to make Kahlua and Baileys at home
Making pumpkin bread at home
Easy to make successful homemade bread rolls
Making yoghurt at home
Making ricotta cheese at home
Home made tomato sauce
Making homemade Ghee from butter
Making my own tea bags from coffee filters
Make your own flavoured tea at home
How to start living a green frugal crafty life
Making a weeks worth lunches in 20 minutes
Sorting computer cords in drawers
Lables to mark kids or guest space in the bathroom
Cute and easy pin cushion that took 1/2 an hour to make
Putting Christmas decorations away
Beginning of the year freezer defrost clean and sort out
Need more room in the bathroom? Cover the bath
Eco friendly party
Making my Christmas cards go further
Decluttering - the throw out 50 things challenge
How I tell which gas bottle is off or on
Easy freezer labels
Telling mobile chargers apart
Improvising warmer curtains without sewing
Moving house - our experience

Pest control
Getting rid of ants in your home - naturally
Chemical free harlequin beetle control
Killing cockroaches with borax v boric acid
Borax v Boric Acid for killing cockroaches

Splitting our native bee hive for the first time
Make your own cheap, but good, dog food
Covering native bee's for the winter
Feeding your cat a frugal and healthy way
Home made dog treat toy

How to start living a green frugal crafty life
Making a weeks worth lunches in 20 minutes
Planning parties at home and remembering what happened
Sorting computer cords in drawers
Need more room in the bathroom? Cover the bath
Link to a 2013 planning meditation
Why we bought heritage chickens
Eco friendly party
Putting Christmas decorations away
Time saving, Money saving Menu planning
How to choose your fruit and veg when they are in season
Making your New Years Resolutions easier
Monthly 9 Link up @ Green Haven June 2014
Monthly 9 Link Up May 2014
Monthly 9 Link Up April 2014
Monthly 9 Link Up March 2014
Monthly 9 Link Up February 2014
Monthly 9 Link up January 2014
Slowing Down - June 2013
Slowing Down - April / May 2013
Slowing down - March 2013
Slowing down - Feb 2013
Slowing Down - Jan 2013
Slowing Down - Dec 2012
Slowing Down - Nov 2012
Slowing Down - Oct 2012
Slowing Down - Sept 2012
Slowing Down - Aug 2012
Slowing Down - Jul 2012
Slowing Down - Jun 2012
Slowing Down - May 2012
Slowing Down - Apr 2012
Slowing Down - Mar 2012
Slowing Down - Feb 2012
Slowing Down - Jan 2012
The High Price of Materialism - Tim Kasser

Fixing tears in a curtain
How to turn collars on a work shirt
A cheap and reasonable cheap cushion revamp
Hiding scuff marks on school or work shoes
Making a home made hand made watch strap
Fixing a wicker wash basket
Fixing my clothes peg hanger thingy
How to fix a cheap plastic washing basket
Fixing my watering can with a bit of TLC
Hanging tomato plants - revamping some hanging baskets
Making a chipped plate look better
Rubber band over a paint can makes less mess
Patching big holes in the seat of jeans
Refilling Candle holders with new wax
Making Spoon Butter for your wooden spoons and bread boards
Recovering a lamp with fabric and fringing
Easy quick cheap good looking fix for a broken window
Improvising warmer curtains without sewing

Fixing a cheap plastic clothes basket
Making a home made hand made watch strap
Fixing a wicker wash basket
Easy to make Fabric covers for Milk Crates
Reusable ice for iced water
Cheap or free bases for card making
Plastic potato bag apron
Make your own reusable party pennants
Make your own free bike racks out of milk crates
Picnic cutlery roll made from a tea towel
Making new inner soles for your shoes out of meat trays
Cooking Pizza's in the back yard BBQ
How I tell which gas bottle is off or on
Easy quick cheap good looking fix for a broken window
Improvising warmer curtains without sewing
Home made dog treat toy
Making a terrarium out of a Moccona jar
Dying a red dress purple
Making a Christmas wreath out of paper doilies
Making my own tea bags from coffee filters
Make your own flavoured tea at home
Simple wicking beds made from a barrel
Soap making
Home made soap from Lamb fat

Splitting our native bee hive for the first time
Covering native bee's for the winter
Stopping possums from coming inside
Chemical free harlequin beetle control
Scrub turkeys in your back yard
Green and Gold Nomia native bees
Help my pet has caught a wild bird
Wordless Wednesday
Fire night
ANZAC Day 2014
Autumn Harvest
Fresh Today
Mini Mushroom Magic
Faded Roses
Wash Day
Freedom at last
Wet feather
Aren't they beautiful?
One for you and one for me
Some days just require a hot chocolate
Photo Friday
Warm Light
Winter colours
Signs of Autumn
In the mean time, check through the categories to find posts on this site about the subject you are looking for
Slitting a Tetragonula Hockingsii hive
Splitting a back yard hive of Trigona Hockingsii for the first time.
Splitting our native bee hive for the first time
Covering native bee's for the winter
Why aren't my bees going into the hive at night?
Transferring native bees into a new hive
Hive duplication or eduction - how its done
Splitting our FROTH design hive for the first time
Splitting and settling an educted native bee hive
Painting native bee hives black for the winter
Books I'm reading
Home made small batch mixed vegetable pickles
Book list on my blog
Sparkling rose petal drink
Making your own home made ginger beer
Cleaning your toilet the green way
Greening my skin cleansing routine
Down to Earth - a guide for simple living
Decluttering - the throw out 50 things challenge
Eco friendly party
Some easy to make 50th birthday invites
Easy to make lucky wedding horse shoe
Sparkling rose petal drink
Make your own reusable party pennants

Setting eggs under a broody hen - our experiance
Baby chicks - our first four weeks
Clucker Tucker; Pasture in the pen.
Bromeliads stop chickens from digging up the garden
Moulting chickens - before and after photos
Chook porridge
Grass catcher nesting boxes for my chickens
Treating scaly mite in chickens
Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
Making an isolation pen for a chicken
Easy fuss free way to worm your chickens
Why we bought heritage chickens
Keeping hay or straw dry in the great outdoors
Feeding eggshells to chickens
Home made chicken feeder
Glorious chicken day
Stopping chickens from scratching up your garden
Compost or chicken bucket tip
Introducing baby chickens to the rest of the flock
Changing things around in the chicken pen
What happens when a chicken moults?
How to feed fish can juice to chickens
Things to try when you chickens aren't laying
How to force feed a sick chicken
What happens when a chicken moults?
Safe waters for baby chicks and big chooks
How do I know if my chickens are eating their eggs?
Bush turkeys and Chickens - our experience
Safe waterers for baby chicks
Where to put a sick or injured chicken.
Tips for making your own Christmas crackers or Bon-bons
Quick easy Christmas tags
Covering party hats to match your colours or theme
Making my Christmas cards go further
Recovering Christmas Crackers to match your table
Make your own reusable party pennants
Making a Christmas wreath out of paper doilies
Home made cleaning product recipes
Putting Christmas decorations away
Beginning of the year freezer defrost clean and sort out
Need more room in the bathroom? Cover the bath
Citrus vinegar
Getting rid of ants in your home - naturally
Cleaning dusty bedside lamps
Greening my skin cleansing routine
Home made lemon and salt body scrub
Rosemary Hair rinse for no 'poo-ers
Cleaning tarnished brass candlesticks, naturally
Boric acid v Borax for killing cockroaches
Supporting local farmers with CSA/Food connect boxes of fruit and vegetables
Link to a e 2013 planning meditation
Busy week but lots of fun at the Ekka
Practical Charity - Kiva Loans
Lifeline Book Fest volunteering is fun!
Eco friendly party
Wow- A TEDx event near me!
Easy to make home made lip balm
More pillow case aprons
Tips for making your own Christmas crackers or Bon-bons
Quick easy Christmas tags
Covering party hats to match your colours or theme
Easy to make shabby chic tea party invitations
Cute easy pin cushion that took 1/2 an hour to make
Eco friendly party
Making my Christmas cards go further
Easy to make Fabric covers for Milk Crates
Another easy to make rag quilt in the making
Easy to make rag quilt
Cheap and reasonably quick pillow revamp
Some easy to make 50th birthday invites
Home made soap from Lamb fat
Star card/book for some one special
Star card update
Star card update finishing touches
Recovering Christmas Crackers to match your table
Make your own microwavable wheat bag with barley
Easy movie night invitations to make
Revamping/fixing a rice paper lantern or lampshade
Easy to make lucky wedding horse shoe
Recycled can - pencil pot for my desk
Cheap or free bases for card making
Make your own reusable party pennants
Recovering a lamp with fabric and fringing
Home made dog treat toy
Making a terrarium out of a Moccona jar
Dying a red dress purple
Making my own tea bags from coffee filters
Painting wooden spoons
Making coaster from a natural tree branch
Recovering a lamp with new material and fringing
Dropping off things to your second hand shop
Beginning of the year freezer defrost clean and sort out
Need more room in the bathroom? Cover the bath!
Decluttering - the throw out 50 things challenge
Quick, easy and cheap jewelery storage
Collection, preparation and eating of Bunya Nuts
Green Cleaning
Home made cleaning product recipes
No 'poo shampoo and conditioner
Using Eucalyptus oil to remove stickers and labels
Citrus vinegar
Cleaning dusty bedside lamps
Greening my skin cleansing routine
Making home made soap from Lamb fat
Home made lemon and salt body scrub
Rosemary Hair rinse for no 'poo-ers
Cleaning your toilet the green way
Home made cleaning product recipes
Making my dish scrubber go further
How to get rid of that brown mark in your jug
Boric acid v Borax for killing cockroaches

In the garden
Harvesting and processing coffee beans
Bromeliads stop chickens from digging up the garden
Clucker Tucker; Pasture in the pen.
Cooking pizza in the home BBQ
Covering native bee's for the winter
Supporting local farmers with CSA/ Food Connect fruit and vege boxes
Stopping chickens from scratching up your garden
Helping hanging pots retain water in hot weather
Splitting our native bee hive for the first time
Saving seedlings from the hot summer sun
How to eat a single beetroot
Chemical free harlequin beetle control
Water crystals in hanging baskets. Will it work?
Stopping possums from coming inside
Fixing my watering can with a bit of TLC
Growing mushrooms at home
Hanging tomato plants - revamping some hanging baskets
Compost or chicken bucket tip
Growing micro greens at home
Growing edible ginger plants in Brisbane
Growing asparagus in Brisbane for beginners
Growing asparagus in Brisbane - Winter update
Cooking Pizza's in the back yard BBQ
Extreme composting - what cant you compost?
Making a terrarium out of a Moccona jar
Simple wicking beds made from a barrel
In the kitchen
How to get rid of that brown mark in your jug
Temporary oil container from an egg shell
Beeswax material to replace cling wrap
Making a weeks worth lunches in 20 minutes
Cooking pizza in the home BBQ
Bunya nut collection and preparation
Measuring ingredients by weight the easy way
Easy to change jar labels for preserves
Quick easy labels for preserves
Last nights left overs lunch ideas
Reusable ice for iced water
Plastic potato bag apron
Make your own cheap, but good, dog food
Reusable ice for iced water
Beginning of the year freezer defrost clean and sort out
Quick cheap fun birthday cake idea
How to make a great cup of tea
Cooking Pizza's in the back yard BBQ
Harvesting and processing coffee beans
Roasting grinding and drinking your own coffee beans
Making homemade Ghee from butter
Making my own tea bags from coffee filters
Make your own flavoured tea at home
Lemon butter recipe
Home made small batch mixed vegetable pickles
What I did with excess eggs
Scotch eggs made with Quail eggs
Sparkling rose petal drink
Making your own home made ginger beer
How to eat a single beetroot
Make your own peanut butter at home
A small amount of rosella jam
Make your own chai flavoured tea
Easy to make plum sauce
How to smoke salmon at home
How to make Kahlua and Baileys at home
Making pumpkin bread at home
Easy to make successful homemade bread rolls
Making yoghurt at home
Making ricotta cheese at home
Home made tomato sauce
Making homemade Ghee from butter
Making my own tea bags from coffee filters
Make your own flavoured tea at home
How to start living a green frugal crafty life
Making a weeks worth lunches in 20 minutes
Sorting computer cords in drawers
Lables to mark kids or guest space in the bathroom
Cute and easy pin cushion that took 1/2 an hour to make
Putting Christmas decorations away
Beginning of the year freezer defrost clean and sort out
Need more room in the bathroom? Cover the bath
Eco friendly party
Making my Christmas cards go further
Decluttering - the throw out 50 things challenge
How I tell which gas bottle is off or on
Easy freezer labels
Telling mobile chargers apart
Improvising warmer curtains without sewing
Moving house - our experience
Pest control
Getting rid of ants in your home - naturally
Chemical free harlequin beetle control
Killing cockroaches with borax v boric acid
Borax v Boric Acid for killing cockroaches
Splitting our native bee hive for the first time
Make your own cheap, but good, dog food
Covering native bee's for the winter
Feeding your cat a frugal and healthy way
Home made dog treat toy
How to start living a green frugal crafty life
Making a weeks worth lunches in 20 minutes
Planning parties at home and remembering what happened
Sorting computer cords in drawers
Need more room in the bathroom? Cover the bath
Link to a 2013 planning meditation
Why we bought heritage chickens
Eco friendly party
Putting Christmas decorations away
Time saving, Money saving Menu planning
How to choose your fruit and veg when they are in season
Making your New Years Resolutions easier
Monthly 9 Link up @ Green Haven June 2014
Monthly 9 Link Up May 2014
Monthly 9 Link Up April 2014
Monthly 9 Link Up March 2014
Monthly 9 Link Up February 2014
Monthly 9 Link up January 2014
Slowing Down - June 2013
Slowing Down - April / May 2013
Slowing down - March 2013
Slowing down - Feb 2013
Slowing Down - Jan 2013
Slowing Down - Dec 2012
Slowing Down - Nov 2012
Slowing Down - Oct 2012
Slowing Down - Sept 2012
Slowing Down - Aug 2012
Slowing Down - Jul 2012
Slowing Down - Jun 2012
Slowing Down - May 2012
Slowing Down - Apr 2012
Slowing Down - Mar 2012
Slowing Down - Feb 2012
Slowing Down - Jan 2012
The High Price of Materialism - Tim Kasser
Fixing tears in a curtain
How to turn collars on a work shirt
A cheap and reasonable cheap cushion revamp
Hiding scuff marks on school or work shoes
Making a home made hand made watch strap
Fixing a wicker wash basket
Fixing my clothes peg hanger thingy
How to fix a cheap plastic washing basket
Fixing my watering can with a bit of TLC
Hanging tomato plants - revamping some hanging baskets
Making a chipped plate look better
Rubber band over a paint can makes less mess
Patching big holes in the seat of jeans
Refilling Candle holders with new wax
Making Spoon Butter for your wooden spoons and bread boards
Recovering a lamp with fabric and fringing
Easy quick cheap good looking fix for a broken window
Improvising warmer curtains without sewing
Fixing a cheap plastic clothes basket
Making a home made hand made watch strap
Fixing a wicker wash basket
Easy to make Fabric covers for Milk Crates
Reusable ice for iced water
Cheap or free bases for card making
Plastic potato bag apron
Make your own reusable party pennants
Make your own free bike racks out of milk crates
Picnic cutlery roll made from a tea towel
Making new inner soles for your shoes out of meat trays
Cooking Pizza's in the back yard BBQ
How I tell which gas bottle is off or on
Easy quick cheap good looking fix for a broken window
Improvising warmer curtains without sewing
Home made dog treat toy
Making a terrarium out of a Moccona jar
Dying a red dress purple
Making a Christmas wreath out of paper doilies
Making my own tea bags from coffee filters
Make your own flavoured tea at home
Simple wicking beds made from a barrel
Soap making
Home made soap from Lamb fat
Splitting our native bee hive for the first time
Covering native bee's for the winter
Stopping possums from coming inside
Chemical free harlequin beetle control
Scrub turkeys in your back yard
Green and Gold Nomia native bees
Help my pet has caught a wild bird
Wordless Wednesday
Fire night
ANZAC Day 2014
Autumn Harvest
Fresh Today
Mini Mushroom Magic
Faded Roses
Wash Day
Freedom at last
Wet feather
Aren't they beautiful?
One for you and one for me
Some days just require a hot chocolate
Photo Friday
Warm Light
Winter colours
Signs of Autumn