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HELP - My pet has hurt a wild bird!

Since we moved to the Hinterland we have noticed the amazing and very abundant  birdlife. We are really enjoying seeing the tiny Yellow Eastern Robins, the curious Crimson Headed Rosella's, the noisy and completely unafraid Cockatoos, the bright red headed King Parrots and even the bold but boringly colour Shrike Thrush...

Yellow Eastern Robin

Sulphur Crested Cockatoos 

Crimson Headed Rosella

Sleeping Tawny Frogmouth

Now identified, Lewin's Honey Eater
And so is our 14 year old cat...

She is far more interested in the birds here than she ever was back in Brisbane. I thinks its because the Robins flit around in the front yard and come right up onto the windowsills and jiggle and twitch in a very eye catching and enticing way that push all her predatory buttons.

Our cat hasn't caught one up here but with all the renovations and missing and left open doors as we fix up the new house, we found her outside yesterday half heartedly crouching, bell tinkling, tail swishing and definitely thinking about catching a flitting flirting Eastern Robin for morning tea.

That prompted me to check what I need to do if she manages to get out and does manage to get one. I picked up a business card at a Brisbane City Council Office from an organisation called BIRO - Birds Injured Rehabilitated & Orphaned that gave some great advice a few weeks ago. When I got home I had a look on the net at their website which was great and decided to share this information here as I know how hard it is to keep a cat inside and if the worst happens, its good to know what do before it happens.

From the BIRO website:

"There are many reasons why a bird may need to come into care. e.g. injury, out of its nest, habitat loss, road victim, orphaned, etc.
We are here to HELP, but we need your HELP too.
Please keep this in mind that the bird has just gone through some kind(s) of trauma such as:
 - An injury
 - Shock and stress (an open mouth and panting, does not mean it wants food)
 - Pain
 - You - you represent a threat to the bird (you are not part of their usual environment).

 - Place the bird in a box or cage
 - Keep the bird warm by covering box / cage with a large towel
 - Place it in a quiet room
 - Do not let your children or pets near it.

Then call for help - your local vet or the numbers below.

Following these steps will give the bird its best chance of getting back into the wild."

Links to helpful websites and phone numbers on the BIRO website


I hope that I never have to use this information because of something our cat does, but since there is so many birds here (and so many tourists) I'm sure that sooner or later I will find an injured bird and now I know I'll be able to do the right thing and help it back into the wild where it belongs as soon as possible. In the meantime, The cat and I will enjoy having a cuppa at the kitchen table in the morning and enjoying watching the birds going about their daily business - albeit from slightly different perspectives!

Let me know if you have links to other Bird Rehabilitation organisations in the comments section below!


Steve said…
That's a Lewin's Honeyeater.
Practical Frog said…
Ah, thanks Steve!
Glad some one knows. I cant always be certain from the books Ive got! - Kara :)
Practical Frog said…
Glad you enjoyed it! Have a great day! - Kara :)
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